Empowering the next generation of doctors and leaders of healthcare
Aspiring Medic Program Scholarship
Aspiring Medic Program Scholarship
Aspiring Medic Program Scholarship
Aspiring Medic Program Scholarship
Please note that this Scholarship Programme is only available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds (see below) and all students will need their teacher to complete the below form.
Applications are very competitive and places will be oversubscribed. Anybody can apply but we will prioritise students who meet at least one of the specific widening participation criteria:
No immediate family history of higher education (excluding siblings)
Currently in, or have been in, the care of a local authority
Care for someone at home with a long-term illness or disability (with Young Carer Registration)
Are in receipt or Disability Living Allowance and/or have an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
Are eligible for free school meals or a 16-19 college bursary
Are eligible for any other means-tested benefit (Universal Credit)
Likely to live in a low participation neighbourhood (POLAR4 data)
Likely to live in a deprived neighbourhood according to Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) data (Lowest 20%)
Is attending or has attended an underperforming state school (GCSE national average)
** Last updated 24th March 2020 **